OFII, an essential player in the HOPE system, for the benefit of refugees, supporting testimony.
The HOPE program “Hébergement Orientation Parcours vers l’Emploi” (Accommodation, Orientation, Pathway to Employment), piloted by the State in partnership with OFII, innovative through the involvement of multiple actors, is a global integration path which aims to accompany refugees towards employment, housing and autonomy.
The program concerns an OFII audience: refugees who have signed the Republican Integration Contract and have the A1 level (see A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2: what do these language levels correspond to? ) Priority is given to isolated people under 25 years of age.
The program, which is a true professional integration path, is divided into two periods:
-A 400-hour (4 months) group operational preparation for employment with intensive French courses for professional purposes,
-A minimum 450-hour minimum certifying training (4 months).
Accommodation and food are provided throughout the training. Social and professional support and assistance with the opening of rights are also included in the program.
How to benefit from the program?
Upstream, the role of OFII is essential since it enables the identification of potential candidates.
Testimony of the Director of the Territorial Directorate of Grenoble
How is information about HOPE among refugees transmitted within your Territorial Directorate?
It takes place during the interviews when the Republican Integration Contract is signed. We also contact refugees who have not been able to enter training previously, already integrated in the language training course, they have a good level of French.
And also, during collective and individual information sessions in partnership with asylum seekers’ accommodation structures, Pôle Emploi, Missions Locales and social workers.
How is the identification of potential candidates for the program carried out?
It is carried out according to the level of French, the motivation of the refugee to integrate or not a training. During the interviews, we also ask them about their professional experience in their country of origin in order to target them on a particular field of training and their job preferences.
What type of training have the successful candidates benefited from in a year?
The HOPE “family life assistant” training course, carried out by AFPA concerned 11 trainees.
What are the feedbacks?
100% of the refugees have obtained a permanent contract in the personal assistance structures of Grenoble and its surroundings.
Great integration success stories that continue to grow.