New Language Training Experiments As Part of The CIR

The General Directorate of Foreigners in France (DGEF) of the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas and the OFII are implementing two new language training experiments as part of the Republican Integration Contract (CIR).

To meet the new language requirements defined by the law “to control immigration, promote integration”, a highly anticipated first device of enhanced language training towards level A2 was launched on March 1, 2024 (visit the site to learn more about the A2 language level).

From 200 to 800 hours of training to reach level A2

Signatories of the CIR from the Val-de-Marne and Essonne departments (OFII territorial directorate in Créteil) and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region (OFII territorial directorates in Dijon and Besançon), whose mastery of French is below level A2, now benefit from a larger number of training hours ranging from 200 to 800 hours.

People who already have level A1, who were until now exempt from language training, are now prescribed a 200-hour course to reach level A2.

Similarly, people who until now benefited from 100, 200, 400 or 600 hours of training to reach level A1, will now be prescribed 200 additional hours to reach level A2.

400 hours of vocational language training

The desire to support newcomers in learning French with a view to their professional integration has driven the implementation of a second vocational language training experiment on two new territories.

Following an innovative first experience carried out in 2022-2023 in Île-de-France, an experimental device was launched on March 1, 2024 in the Grand Est region (OFII territorial directorates in Metz, Strasbourg and Reims) and in Occitanie (OFII territorial directorates in Montpellier and Toulouse).

A 400-hour vocational language training package is offered.

Through the acquisition of linguistic skills and a basic knowledge of the codes of the business world and the labor market, this training aims to improve the employability of beneficiaries and facilitate their access to qualifying training thereafter. Themes such as the functioning of the public employment service, labor law or accessible sectors of activity, are worked with the beneficiary in order to guide him as best as possible in his future professional choices.

On the linguistic level, the objective is for the learner to acquire levels A2 orally and A1 in writing, levels considered necessary to facilitate his professional integration. To be eligible for this device, the signatory of the CIR must present a minimal mastery of the French language of A1.1 in writing or orally and demonstrate his willingness to work on his professional project and to enter the job market quickly.