New foreign workforce assistance reform comes into force on 6 April 2021

With a view to simplifying applications for a work permit to hire a foreign employee, all applications will now be made online as of 6 April.

The employer in charge of hiring will apply for a work permit, especially for a permanent contract (as an employee), a fixed-term contract (as a temporary employee) or for seasonal employment (as a seasonal employee).

For the “young professional” scheme, for which the OFII remains the single point of contact for application, employers will continue to benefit from a dedicated procedure carried out by our territorial directorates.

Applications will be processed by six interregional platforms that were created when this function was transferred to the Ministry of the Interior as part of the reform of the territorial organisation of the State. A 7th national platform is now in place for the processing of applications for seasonal workers.

As of 6 April, applications for work permits to hire a foreign employee can only be done online on the portal reserved for online procedures for foreigners in France.

Employers can call the citizen contact centre (CCC) on 0 806 001 620 or use the contact form on the portal for help in case of difficulties.

For further details about the launch of the online application service for work permits: