International Women’s Day, OFII commits

On March 8th, we celebrate International Women’s Day. This date serves as an annual reminder of the progress made and the work that still lies ahead.

Officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977 and established in France in 1982, this day has its origins in the struggles of female workers and suffragettes during the early 20th century. They fought for better working conditions and the right to vote.

Since 2017, it has been elevated to a major national cause during the five-year term. Equality between women and men is a commitment championed by the President of the Republic. The government, through an interministerial committee, aims to mobilize economic and social actors across the country to accelerate the implementation of equality.

OFII commits…

Since 2018, the OFII (French Office of Immigration and Integration), doubly certified for equality and diversity, has been raising awareness among its agents. Training programs are offered to promote equality for all individuals, regardless of their gender or sexuality.

Our gender equality index between men and women stands at 80/100.

Within the scope of its missions, the OFII pays special attention to:

– Improving the care for female asylum seekers who are victims of violence or human trafficking.
– Combating violence against women as part of the republican integration contract.
– Preventing and identifying vulnerabilities during medical examinations and health appointments.
– Empowering women through assistance in social and economic reintegration for those obligated to return to their home countries.