AGIR, an individualised support programme for refugees towards housing and employment, presented by the OFII
The OFII is pursuing its commitment to the integration of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection by integrating the AGIR programme into its missions.
AGIR is a comprehensive and individualised support programme for refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection. It will be presented to them when signing the Republican integration contract at the OFII, during the half-day reception and integration event. If this year, several French departments are concerned, by 2024 they will all be concerned. Below is a description of the programme.
The programme
AGIR is managed by an organisation that welcomes refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and carries out a full assessment of their situation during individual interviews concerning access to housing, rights, employment and training.
During the first interview, each eligible person signs a commitment contract summarising rights and duties. The support can then start and develop along the following lines:
- Support for access to rights
It facilitates the management of administrative procedures for the opening of rights such as the right of residence, obtaining a travel document, family reunification, complementary universal health coverage, support for parenthood, etc.
- Support towards and within housing
Support in the search for social or private housing with a diagnosis of the person’s situation and needs. This support can also continue after the installation in the housing in order to ensure its maintenance.
- Support towards employment
After a diagnosis of the social and professional situation of the person accompanied, AGIR activates, in support of and in close connection with the actors of the public employment service, all the necessary measures to promote access to training leading to certification and to employment.